Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Final Blog-Course Reflection

     This course has been covered many different topics, which I had taken a lot of advantages from these topics. Be honestly I didn't quite sure what is the intelligent building before starting this course, and I was excited what method Professor Mitchell would use to teach us.

     In the beginning of the course, the robotic technology caught my eyes and I felt this technology should be more developed in the construction area that would increase the safety factors. After that, I had a little taste about the intelligent building, which is using certain technology to create a building that is safer and more productive for its occupants. Not only the robotic technology has a big influence on the intelligent building, but also the BIM and database are both incredible systems to learn which are related to buildings.

     I glad to have the creating Revit families and Database assignments from professor Mitchell. First of all, I want to give my professor a lot of credits by finding useful assignments for us to learn. He is the man who really cares about the stuff that he teaches to his students, which is useful or not. Creating the Revit family does help me to have a new understanding about the Revit, which is not only a tool to design the floor plan or 3D elevation, but also it has the strong ability to design your own components. In the other big assignment, I enjoyed learning the database because I could see how the categories connect with each other in the MS Access. It is a great tool to organize the data and very easy to learn with using the MS.

      Besides two major assignments, I absolutely like the way professor Mitchell using the blog method for us to track every week’s assignment. I realize that using the blog is better than the websites because students can much easier comment on other’s work. In the end of my reflection, I want to say I really enjoyed leaning new method and gain much useful knowledge from the guest speaker. I would suggest professor Mitchell to keep using the guest speaker for this course because I did gain a lot of useful information from the real world. Overall, I love taking this course as a professional elective and thanks professor Mitchell contributes much useful knowledge to me and leading me have a better understanding on the intelligent building.

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