Sunday, March 9, 2014

Course Reflection

This course covered a lot of different topics, all of which I found to be very informative. The course had many different aspects and was all around a good experience. From the professor to the blog posts everything that happened in this class was useful in one aspect or another. There were a variety of assignments that covered a wide variety of topics all of which made me think about the future of the industry and the future for myself.

I would first like to reflect on my professor. Professor Mitchell is a great teacher and really cares about his students. He includes modern technologies such as blog posts and a variety of computer software. He really gets you involved, and is truly passionate about what he does and I feel like it should be publicly recognized how hard he works at making this class better with every year.  The guest speakers that Mitchell brought in were another privilege about this class that us as students would never have had the chance to experience if not for this class.

The topics in this class were a wide variety that covered BIM, databases, robotics, sensors, networks, and 3D printing. All of those topics were very interesting and really showed the potential of the industry to come. It really made me excited for the future and where my career is going to take me. The most interesting topic we covered, in my opinion, was the 3D printing. To me it is an insane concept that I want to dig my hands into, which is probably why I chose it as my final project. My least favorite topic was probably databases. I did not enjoy the assignment at all and I feel that it should be improved greatly or replaced with a different topic. My favorite assignment was probably the final project. This is probably due to the fact that I really enjoy the subject I did my project on, but it also gave me a deeper understanding on where 3D printing came from and where its most probable to go.

Overall I enjoyed this class. I wish I could have spent more time on some of the topics and less on others, but that is neither here nor there, just mainly my likes and dislikes for the topics. I am glad I took this class and would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to learn about some cool, not so far in the future, futuristic topics.

Comments on other blog posts:

Ryan Donahue:
I definitely agree with what Mitchell said in the beginning of the term "you get out of it what you put into it.” Is there any topic you feel like you didn't put enough in and as a result you didn't get much back, that you wish you had? What was your favorite and least favorite topics? What would you change about the course if you could? Great post!

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