Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Course Reflection - week 10

In this course we covered so many topics like BIM, sensors, and database. Before this class, my knowledge was limited in some of those topics, and I was kind of a confused about what to expect or the term intelligent building is.  I choose this course because I just needed an elective course to graduate.  After all, I found this course really interesting, and I gain so much knowledge that I did not realize it’s that important till now. 

In this course there were a weekly reading assignments that we need to write a blog about. We were divided into five groups. Each group wrote about a topic and shares them on the blog. Theses topics were wide, and related to intelligent building.  I gain a lot of knowledge from these assignments since we need to read different topics. Also, I found reading each other as required really helpful since you will have an idea about all other topics as different types of sensors or database.

The BIM model assignment was using Revit to model families. I was confused at the beginning. However watching the tutorials helped me to complete the assignment. I had no idea how to create before this class. Creating family on Revit is important, and I fell that in Architectural Engineer should know how to create families as you can design whatever you need.

Last assignment was the Database assignment.  My experience to Microsoft Access is none before this class. However, after completing this I was able to crate tables, defining relationships between them, create query, form, and report using Microsoft Access. I find Microsoft Access much easier, clear, and can display the data in well-organized manner than excel.

During the course we had some guest lecture. Those lectures were really important, and to me the most valuable on this course. It’s good to listen to some experts’ experience on what are we learning. They gave us an idea on what should learn or focus more on. Also, gave us some idea on how are different BIM software works, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of these software.

Last, after looking on the amount of knowledge I gain in this class, I feel it worth the works and time you spend on doing all of these assignments and reading. It’s really interested to see how can BIM models, sensors, and database can be engaged all together to form an intelligent building, and helps to discover different new technologies that can aid on the future to use on intelligent buildings.  What makes it even interested is how professor arranging these assignments and organizing the course, and inviting the guest speakers to share their experience and knowledge.    


Comment’s on Audrey Ryan’s post: 
I totally agree with you and most of my classmates on how important the guests lecture were.   Also, how the assigned project has enhanced our knowledge in different topics that important in the molding and engineering filed.

Comment’s on Esther’s post: 
I agree that the skills we learned in this course were many, and really helpful in our engineering career. Some of them,  I had no clue about like the database. I’m sure as you said that we came out of this course with knowledgeable about what is being done to make the whole life cycle of buildings more intelligent.

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