Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Group D - Will BIM improve Buildings

We all agree that BIM will help improve buildings.  We believe that the ability for BIM to analyze models and run many iterations of multiple designs will all around lead to a better building.  The one issue we see with BIM is that it may initially degrade the design process as the roles of the Architect, Engineer, and Contractor will need to be redefined and who "owns" the model will cause tension.  With the addition of cloud computing the security risk increases.  Security of not only the model and its make up but the systems that will rely on the BIM model for facility operations may be compromised.  Also with BIM design the tradesman and their knowledge may get lost.  Think about the situations of confined spacing and construction as a designer it will be so easy to place a wall without thinking about the actual spacial requirements needed for the construction of the object.

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