Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Week 5 - Sensor Technology and Capabilities in the Modern World

Sensor Technology and Capabilities in the Modern World - Mike Kilgallon and Matthew Morimoto

Description of the Project and why we chose it
The topic of our term paper is based on the evolution of technology in the construction and design field.  Although this could be a broad topic, we are going to narrow down our focus to how sensors are and will be used in construction and design.   This topic could range from the use of data gathered from sensors to help apply better techniques for real time construction to passive information that can be utilized to enhance the design of a building.

Why we chose it
We felt that this topic had a variety of applications that could be researched because it will one day be integrated into almost every part of building systems and might hold information that engineers and companies in the future will need.  Looking at present day tech, it is evident that more and more sensors and programs are being used in buildings.  Understanding how and where these systems will be built, placed, and operated is important in finding efficient ways of using the data garnered so that maximum profit, cost, and energy can  be saved.  As in many fields, it is always best to gain an understanding of new tech so that you aren’t left behind.

Some of the challenges that we might face is gathering some concrete numbers on the use of sensors in the construction field.  What we are researching is fairly new ground, and with new ground comes a lot of unknown searching and discovery.  Although there have been articles relating new technology to design innovations and gathering data for buildings - through preliminary research - we have not been able to find any definite uses of sensors in construction by the likes of google glass.  More time will be put forth on this issue so that a better understanding on the topic can be discussed.

The main deliverable for this project will be a well-researched and thought out paper that will identify the advancements sensor technology is bringing to the table in the construction and design field.  If possible, we may try and find a case study that has this in action, but the main deliverable will be the paper.

Relation to Intelligent Buildings
This topic is very relevant to the concept of intelligent buildings.  With new tech being brought into the industry, programs such as BIM have really revolutionized the way buildings are modeled in the designing process.  BIM itself is causing a change in how to approach design which is also disturbing the status quo of billing and collaboration between contractor and engineer.  With newer sensors, it will only be a matter of time before these new pieces of hardware will affect the construction and design phase with the information that they can collect.

AE 510 Final Project Outline
Team: Michael Kilgallon
Matthew Morimoto

Topic: The Future of Buildings: How Technology will Change Construction and Design

  1. Introduction

    1. Background of Construction and Design

      • Challenges in modern day applications
    2. Types of Enhancements that Tech is bringing to field

      • Overarching technologies
  2. Sensor Evolution

    1. Sensor Technologies

      • Probably the first sensor used in buildings were the egyptians
    2. How sensors are incorporated in buildings today
  3. Changes in Construction & Design due to sensors

    1. Affect Construction Process

      • Better Data from other job sites on how different techniques work

      • Able to determine how a building is to be laid out on a site (google glass)

      • Efficiently measure times for welding and pouring concrete

      • ETC.
      • Makes renovations and expansions easier due to the data of how the building is performing and is acting
    2. Affect Design Process

      • Influence of future innovations regarding assembly

      • Able to take more accurate measurements of loads over time
      • Can make measurements of wearing over time
      • Able to detect early fatigue and failure
  4. Drawbacks
    1. Socioeconomic impact on people

    2. How will innovations hurt people

      • Past examples

        • Industrial Revolution

        • Deindustrialization after WWII

  5. Methods to ease impact on society

  6. Conclusion

    1. Closing statements

    2. Reiterate the possibilities in the future

  7. Bibliography

Other group comments
Ryan Taylor -  Good luck to you.  You are going after a very ambitious project especially for someone that doesnt have a lot of BIM experience.  My suggestion would be to try to get as much knowledge of families as you can.  Use Revitcity.com or other sites to download families and make them your own.  Additionally while your project is very work intensive I think that you definitely need something to define it as your own.  You talked about how a lot of people will be doing BIM modeling in one way or another but I think that if done right you can really shine and use this project for future work.  Yet again the best of luck!

D. Barbalace - Dave I really like the applications of your topic.  3D printing is definitely going to be something that will revolutionize the field of building systems.  However I am not sure if your project is extremely ambitious or totally feasible and I am disillusioned.  From my knowledge you intend to make 3 Revit models that can be at this point in time be made in a 3d printers.  First how do you know the largest size of segment you can create in one production period? Second will these houses have a price tag incorporated or is the essence of your project figuring out how much 3D printing is feasible?   Thought you might be interested in these questions before you begin your project.  

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