Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Project outline - Daylight in Buildings

I’ve chosen the subject Daylight in buildings, and will make a parametric facade in Rhino Grasshopper, which can be connected to DIVA4Rhino for daylight optimization.

It fascinates me how a building can be designed completely by its function and performance. Light gives life to architecture, and people spend 90 % of their time in buildings, so who not try creating architecture completely from having healthy and well lit spaces?

I have only done little parametric design in Rhino Grasshopper and never used DIVA4RHINO before. How to connect the two programs will also be challenging, if not impossible because of the time frame.

I will end up with a 3D façade model, which can be changed according to the sun's position and power. Either it will be a 3D model that can be changed manually by adjusting Rhino Grasshopper sliders or it will be a 3D model, which is connected to DIVA4RHINO sensors so the façade changes automatically as the sun changes position.

Parametric design is the skin of intelligent buildings. It can optimize the energy performance of the indoor spaces, or socially interact with people inside/outside the building. It can have sensors on the inside that controls the outside.

Brian's post


  1. I like the topic! I think daylighting in buildings is so important and I like how you mention people spend 90% of their day in some form of architecture. Will you be addressing in your paper how daylighting in a space affects people and their productivity? I know there are a few papers out there that address this issue. Good luck with the project!

    1. That is exactly what I'm planning on, Brian! Just some off the top of my head fun facts: Stores sell 40 % more when the store has natural daylight, and workers are 20 % more productive. Go daylight!

  2. Great topic Signe! I feel like people so often don’t realize how much of an impact natural light can have on their experience in a room and ultimately an entire building. That’s an amazing fact that you told Brian about stores selling 40% more when they use natural daylight, and I can personally testify to not being as productive when I’m not in natural light – on my last co-op I worked in a bay of cubicles in a room with no windows, not tall enough to stand up in but not wide enough to sit down in, and let me tell you, it did NOT help me be productive. One might even say it was…torturous.
    Ah but I digress.
    I think I would be interesting for you also to comment on how much architects consider the sun when designing a building. I know that when I was in Spain for my architecture trip, the sun was always commented on and how it influenced natural light. Perhaps touch on some architectural “strategies” in utilizing the sun! Great idea though and best of luck!
