Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Week 5: BIM's future application; what else can BIM do?

Project Outline: 

Kyung Yoon, Abdulrhman Alkraidees 

Description of project
Saving energy is one of the critical issues in the world. To solve the issue, many material and mechanical engineers are working on the solution.  Meantime, these problems could be minimized by observing and analyze the building. In this project, we will discuss how BIM could be used efficiently to save energy of building. The BIM programs we will be focusing on will not only analyze and control thermal mechanisms like HVAC, but also physical mechanisms which could move overhang structure to create shades or clear out for the Sun lights throughout the day and season.

Why chosen?
BIM's ability is almost infinite. Since the program is still in the early stage of developing, the growth of its power can be exponential. Working on the same program is challenging to improve; however, we decided to approach the challenge in different way. The way it doesn't only require the thermally efficient, but also it has a great aesthetics of it. When we think of BIM as a tool of communication between buildings and human, we also come up with an idea of building that has a life; buildings that can not only communicate, but also moves. Many cases and studies are taken for entertainment purposes in this stage, but they do have small cases being used in residential buildings. This project will make us understand what the real meaning of intelligent would be and the future of buildings.

Relation to Intelligent building
If the construction goes bad, no good design would work as it was calculated. Even with best HVAC system, there will be errors and problems if the building itself has an unexpected problem. BIM is the most efficient way to analyze the building because they record and save data as-is based on installed sensors. This project would be all about BIM which possibly could be operated without any guidance of human observation. With this project, classmates and presenters will learn alot about intelligent building and understand better for the future.

Although BIM users are increasing fast, still many people out there are not familiar with software. Since there aren’t many cases, it’s not so easy to find many case studies. Also the challenge we face in this project would be the transformable structure. Although transforming part could be as simple as small overhang shades, these structure designs and applications aren’t common these days. To get the best feed-backs  we should be contacting many different organizations.

1.    Introduction of BIM and Intelligent buildings
a.       Definition of Intelligent buildings
b.      Diversity of programs
2.       BIM system and HVAC
a.       Previous attempts and strategies of BIM system
b.      Newer methods and programs
c.       Case study
d.      Analysis
3.       Physical Mechanism
a.       BIM usages for advanced techniques
b.      Case studies
c.       Analysis

4.       Conclusion

Comments to other colleagues:

 Our project seems very similar to Waiyang's group in sense of utilizing the physical mechanisms to control the indoor environment by using BIM. However, using the BIM with smaller scale plus using different UV lights would be closer to common BIM approach with no technology. This project could work with Signe's project as well how she would like to discuss about the Sun light effecting the indoor environment. For her case, it would be opposite of energy saving because she would like to have the Sun light to come into the building. Ivan's project also have slight similarity to ours as well since we are mainly focusing on the indoor air quality and human comfort. The difference we will have would be the progress of BIM system to visualize how it's been changed over time. Many of student other than dave would have project about 3D printing. Dave specifically 3-D printed house which is very interesting subject. A house could be modified, renovated, and expanded for many different purposes. Based on my understanding 3-D printer requires one consistent material. It is very interesting how things would be put together to build a building with 3-D printer.  

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